Lose Weight And Keep It Off With These For Rules

Lose Weight And Keep It Off With These For Rules

Lose Weight And Keep It Off With These For Rules

Most of us can go on a diet for a limited amount of time and see positive changes. But usually the weight goes back on sooner or later. To lose weight and keep it off you need to adopt a lifestyle change.

But you don't want your life to be a misery. If you want long-term success you can eat your favourite foods and you don't have to punish yourself with hours of exercise everyday in the gym. Here are the 4 rules that the people who lose weight and keep it off live by.

1. Reasonable Timeframes

Most people who lose weight and keep it off for good don't set goals they know they won't be able to achieve. Stating you need to lose 50 pounds by next month is impractical and not healthy. Your body wasn't designed to burn fat that fast. Your metabolism could also be slower in the beginning, particularly if you've been inactive for a lengthy period of time. You have to learn to accept slower weight loss because that's the kind that will stay gone for good.

2. Be Aware Of Your Hunger Signs

A common problem with people who are overweight is that they eat out of boredom or for emotional reasons. Learn to follow the habit of not eating when you're not hungry. A lot of us simply eat when it's time and eat whatever portion is served. Be aware of your hunger signs. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to become aware of how full you are, so eat slowly or you'll go overeat without knowing it for a while.

3. Everything In Moderation

The key to losing weight and keeping it off is moderation. There's nothing wrong with having the occasional cake or ice cream. But remember your hunger signs. The moment you swear to give up your favourite foods for good is the moment you're heading for failure. You'll be focusing on what you're giving up, not what you're gaining through your new health and fitness habits.

4. More Movement

One of the toughest elements about starting a weight loss plan is that we have to start moving our bodies. The crucial element to long-term weight loss success is including movement in your day with activities you enjoy doing. It shouldn't be something you dread and want to find excuses for.

It is possible to burn calories while having fun! There a loads of different exercises and activities that you can do both inside and outside and that you can easily incorporate into your day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9467447

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