Discover Yoga Health Benefits For Healthy Life

Discover Yoga Health Benefits For Healthy Life

Yoga health benefits can be explored only by adopting yoga as a way of life. People doing regular yoga can tell you about the beneficial effects of yoga on mind and body and the peace of mind it brings along with it. But for that experience you need to start yoga and practice regularly. Yoga was a system developed by ancient Indian Yogis for making the body fit and quieten the mind for the purpose of self awareness, spiritual realisation and salvation. These yogis had developed tremendous physical fitness and mental powers. Yoga was not primarily designed for the purpose of combating disease. However, in busy modern life, regular practice of yoga can provide tremendous health benefits mainly as a preventive role, and as a therapy also.

Yoga philosophy concentrates on proper functioning of all systems of our body and their appropriate coordination along with healthy mind. Once your body becomes more aware by yoga practice, you will not need any biochemistry investigations or doctors visit to tell you that you are healthy. You can feel you are healthy if you enjoy life, feel fresh when you get up in the morning, enjoy a good night sleep, have proper bowel movement, proper appetite, no stress and feel like you are having springs in your feet.

Yoga Health Benefits

Most of the common health benefits of yoga are summarised as follows:
    Promotes positive energy and positive outlook.
    Improves Flexibility.
    Increase lubrication of joints and toning of muscles..
    Massaging of all body organs and glands.
    Helps to maintain ideal body weight.
    Promotes better health of circulatory system, endocrine system, respiratory system.
    Harmonise mind and body.
    Increases Self awareness.
    Promotes mental health.
    Yoga meditation quietens the mind and prepares for samadhi, internal bliss.
    Helps in healing.
    Stress reduction.
    Helps fight cholesterol and provides relief for people suffering from diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure and other diseases.
    Promotes detoxification of body.
    Better sleep and relaxation, fights insomnia.
    Improves memory and concentration.
    Anti aging.
    Promotes healthy skin, smart appearance and correct posture.

Yoga As Therapy

Yoga health benefits are curative as well as preventive. Yoga therapy is not a panacea for all diseases but it can be used in conjunction with proper medical treatment. In case of severe diseases e.g cancer yoga may not provide you immediate relief but it can help to minimise the pain and agony.

Some common and chronic diseases can be prevented or cured by practice of yoga which may not be cured completely through conventional medicine. In case you are already suffering from a disease, yoga can help but do not expect immediate miracles. Slow and steady progress with tons of patience wins the game.

Get Proper Diagnosis

In case yoga is used as a therapy to cure a disease, first confirm proper diagnosis by consulting your doctor. When I was suffering from parathyroid tumour, it took a long time for correct diagnosis. Meanwhile, there was no benefit from acupressure or yoga. Therefore, ensure that your biochemistry is fine, yoga is no substitute to clinical diagnosis, medical treatment and surgical procedures.

Healthy Lifestyle And Health

Much of the illness and loss of vitality are a by product of modern living like unhealthy lifestyle, improper diet, long working hours and lack of adequate fresh air/ sunlight/ sleep. By adopting yoga in our life, the accrued yoga health benefits will help you to restore normal biological, biochemical and physical activities of body system.

Regular Yoga Practice For Whole Body

There is no particular asana to cure a particular disease but practice of different asanas, pranayama and meditation results in cumulative benefits on our body organs. Regular yoga exercise makes your body strong both from inside and outside. As the body is in total harmony, incidence of getting any disease is reduced.

Diseases Which Can Be Cured By Yoga

    Abdominal disorders
    Varicose veins
    Overweight and Obesity
    Mental problems
    Back pain
    Sinus and headache
    Heart ailments and Blood Pressure
    Thyroid problems; hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
For deriving maximum yoga health benefits, maintain an optimal mix of yoga asana, pranayama, meditation, concentration, relaxation and meditation. Follow yoga ethics and code of conduct, yama and niyama.

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