Target Heart Rate Calculation

Target Heart Rate Calculation

Aerobic Training vs. Resistance Training

Aerobic training, also called cardio training, is any exercise that repetitively contracts large muscles and raises the heart rate above normal resting levels for 15 minutes or longer. Resistance training or strength training is any technique that uses resistance to increase muscular strength. This can be accomplished by the use of exercise equipment, weights, or by lifting your body against the force of gravity. A circuit-training strategy of doing various strength training exercises for different muscle groups in quick succession meets all of the criteria of aerobic training. The sequence of exercises described above places a prolonged increase demand on the heart, lungs and vascular network which is aerobic in nature and also provides strength-training stimulus for all of the muscle groups involved.

Target Heart Rate Calculation

To get a good workout while avoiding overexertion requires monitoring the heart rate. An estimate of the appropriate target heart rate can be obtained using the Karvonen formula.

Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - Age
Heart Rate Reserve = Maximum Heart Rate - Resting Heart Rate
Training Heart Rate = Intensity × Heart Rate Reserve + Resting Heart Rate

The Resting Heart Rate is determined by taking your pulse and counting the number of heart beats in one minute prior to getting out of bed in the morning. The average of three days should be used to get a representative value (add the counts for three days, and divide the total by three). A person with an average fitness level should use intensity levels of 60 to 70 percent of the Heart Rate Reserve.

Example Training Heart Rate Zone

For example, for a 25 yr old who has a resting heart rate of 65, wanting to know his training heart rate for the intensity level 60% - 70%.

His Minimum Training Heart Rate: 220 - 25 (Age) = 195 195 - 65 (Rest. HR) = 130 130 x .60 (Min. Intensity) + 65 (Rest. HR) = 143 Beats/Minute

His Maximum Training Heart Rate: 220 - 25 (Age) = 195 195 - 65 (Rest. HR) = 130 130 x .70 (Max. Intensity) + 65 (Rest. HR) = 156 Beats/Minute

His training heart rate zone will therefore be 143-156 beats per minute

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